Garden Ridge Youth Ministry
Garden Ridge church of Christ | Lewisville TX
Garden Ridge Church of Christ
102 N. Garden Ridge Blvd.
Lewisville, TX 75067
O: 972.221.3561
INSIDE OUT (Spring Retreat)
INSIDE OUT (Spring Retreat)
(for 6th-12th graders)
February 23-25, 2024 (Friday-Sunday)
Camp Copass, Denton TX
Make memories with awesome people and discover how to help others experience Jesus through you!
For 6th-12thers.
Cost is $90, due SUNDAY, JANUARY 28. (For financial assistance, contact Trane.)
As always, guests are welcome, so invite your friends!
To register, fill out the online registration form.
Go to and click "GIVE" at the top.
Fill in the information:
Give: $90
Fund: GRYM
Memo: Retreat
IMPORTANT: Forward the confirmation email to:
Friday, meet at the church at 5:30pm (BRING DINNER to eat after you load your luggage).
Sunday, we will return to the church at 1:00p after eating lunch together on the way home.
Participants need
> Dinner for Friday night
> Money for one meal on the way home
> OPTIONAL: Money for snacks or merch in the camp store
> A snack to share (enough for a few people)
> Bible
> Pillow
> Bedding (twin-sized bunk beds)
> Towel
> Toiletries (toothbrush; deodorant; soap/shampoo; etc.)
> Comfortable clothes for indoor and outdoor activity (IMPORTANT: prepare for warm and cold and rain)
> Comfortable shoes
> A set of clothes and shoes to get very messy in (possibly chilly and messy)
> Reusable water bottle
> Instruments, games, etc. (optional)
> Flashlight (optional)
NOTE: Cell phone and electronic device use will be permitted for only a brief portion of this event. Parents, if you need to reach your child, contact Trane or one of the adult volunteers. Thank you!
There are two forms every participant must do ONE TIME, NOT FOR EACH EVENT.
If you have done these previously, you do NOT have to do them again.
If not already completed for a previous event, follow these links:
Online form to collect all necessary info about the participant.
PDF release form to sign and return (paper copy or email a scan/picture)