Garden Ridge Youth Ministry
Garden Ridge church of Christ | Lewisville TX
Garden Ridge Church of Christ
102 N. Garden Ridge Blvd.
Lewisville, TX 75067
O: 972.221.3561
Here are some blogs and websites that provide helpful resources for life, discipleship, family matters, etc.
If you know of other helpful resources, please click here to email us the info.
These forms are downloadable or printable and may be returned via email, put into the box outside of the GRYM office at Garden Ridge or given to Trane directly.
An online form to gather the necessary info, emergency contacts, etc., for every PARTICIPANT before participating in GRYM events.
In addition to this, RELEASE FORMS (below) must be printed and turned in.
RELEASE FORMS (to print and sign)
Release of Claims, COVID Liability Waiver & Photo Release
All the release forms on one document. Must be printed, signed and turned in for every PARTICIPANT before participating in GRYM events
Visiting GRYM or interested in joining? Give us some basic info on this online form so we can begin getting to know you and how we can keep in touch
Must be filled out and turned in for any STUDENT requesting financial assistance for a GRYM event on or before the payment/sign-up deadline for that event (Please note the policy on the form)
Must be filled out and turned in for every ADULT VOLUNTEER before being involved in the youth ministry in any way (to ensure a safe environment for the teens)
All Seniors, please fill out this brief online form BY THE DEADLINE to be used for Senior Sunday.