Garden Ridge Youth Ministry
Garden Ridge church of Christ | Lewisville TX
Garden Ridge Church of Christ
102 N. Garden Ridge Blvd.
Lewisville, TX 75067
O: 972.221.3561

A clear look at the REAL Jesus--His words, His actions, His love, His power, His glory and His mission to save the lost--as seen in the Gospel of Luke.
9th-12th graders
Sunday mornings, 9:00am
In the Youth Worship Center
There are so many misrepresentations of Jesus that it can be difficult to understand who He really is.
Is He so high and holy that He can't possibly tolerate sinners, or is He so tolerant that He has no standards and expectations of sinners?
Was He merely a good man and great moral teacher or actually God in the flesh?
Is He our judge, our savior, our lord or our homeboy?
Did He come to take away all laws for followers or to pile on more laws?
Is there a limit to His power or can I really trust Him, even in the worst situations?
In this study, we let the eyewitnesses and the meticulous historian/physician, Luke, reveal who the REAL Jesus is
...and what we can expect from a
relationship with Him.
Christians were never meant to live out their faith alone.
In this study, students learn practical applications for living in relationship with God and other people through such topics as worship, justice, grace and the future.
6th-8th graders
Sunday mornings, 9:00am
In The Hub
We are made for connection, most of all to God but also with each other. This longing is felt in the teen years perhaps more than any other stage of life.
This study from Student Life is designed to draw students closer to God and to His people.
Ed Dematteo has voluntarily and passionately taught the middle school Sunday morning class for almost a decade.
Join us for teaching that transforms and a teacher who cares.

Guardrails is a FREE seven week study for 6th-12th graders about God's guide for getting the most out of dating.
Healthy dating doesn't happen by accident. Those who equip themselves with godly wisdom and habits will enjoy much richer relationships.
Guardrails can help.
The Guardrails study takes place every Monday night from January 18-February 29 (plus a special event Thursday, March 3).
Girls' Guardrails Group meets at the Wyatt house.
Guys' Guardrails Group meets in The Hub.
Groups meet from 7:00-8:15pm.
This study will be led by Trane and Tamara Wyatt.
The study will focus on (1) having boundaries about the type of person you will be; (2) having boundaries about the type of person you will date; and (3) how to set up habits as guardrails to direct and protect you so you can fully enjoy healthy dating relationships.
While not a book study, the book "Boundaries in Dating" by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend will be a helpful companion to this study.
Visitors are welcome to join!
Contact Trane with any questions or to plan to participate.

A three week Guardrails study for parents.
This FREE study will equip parents to guide their teens to get the most out of dating.
Parents' Guardrails Groups will meet every Monday night, 7:15-8:15pm, at Garden Ridge, beginning February 15 and ending February 29 (followed by a special event Thursday, March 3).
This study will be led by Scott and Deeann Jarvis.
FREE GIFT! Contact Trane to register by Sunday, February 7, and receive a free copy of the book, "Boundaries in Dating" (Dr. Henry Cloud & Dr. John Townsend).