Garden Ridge Youth Ministry
Garden Ridge church of Christ | Lewisville TX
Garden Ridge Church of Christ
102 N. Garden Ridge Blvd.
Lewisville, TX 75067
O: 972.221.3561
June 25-July 2, 2021
A true mountain-top experience!
A week-long hike to the summit of one of Colorado's finest 14,000 ft. mountains near Salida, CO, to connect with God and the group in deep and lasting ways.
For students who are 13 years old or older.
Parents are encouraged to consider coming along for this experience, as well. However, there are a limited number of participant and adult chaperone spots. Contact Trane if you are interested.
IMPORTANT: Trek is a demanding experience! Each participant will need to be able to carry a heavy pack, spend long periods of time hiking, and endure the challenges of living outdoors for almost a week.
Cost per student is $375, but GRYM is paying $100 of that, so participants pay $275. Participants will also need money for 6 fast food meals and some spending/travel money.
(Contact Trane for info about financial aid.)
The deadline to pay the NON-REFUNDABLE deposit of $150 is Sunday, May 16.
The remaining $125 is due Sunday, June 20.
Go to gardenridge.org and click "GIVE" at the top.
Fill in the information:
Give: $150 (deposit) OR $275 (full)
Fund: GRYM
Memo: Trek
IMPORTANT: Forward the confirmation email to: twyatt@gardenridge.org
THERE WILL BE A BRIEF BUT MANDATORY MEETING to share very important info and preparation tips about the trip. It was scheduled for Sunday, May 16 in The Hub (Rm 221) immediately after services, but a conflict has come up, so watch for info about when it is rescheduled.
The necessary forms, as well as list of what to bring, will be given out at the meeting on May 16.
Friday, June 25, we will meet at the church at 9:30p and drive through the night to Twin Lakes, CO.
Saturday will be orientation and prep.
Sunday, we will have worship in the morning, repelling during the afternoon, and then head up the mountain to set up low camp.
Monday, we will make the hike to set up high camp, which will be our spot until we hike back down on Thursday.
Tuesday is a rest and acclimation day.
Wednesday will be Summit Day!
Thursday, we return to base camp and have some fun in town, then have a final group time.
Friday, July 2, we will drive home, arriving late (around 11:00pm).
Check out the TEAM Ascend website: www.teamascend.org